
YinYan 's Blog


Ms Tina is our english teacher . She asked us to create a blog to record every moment in our life. Before that,I have never written blogger so it is the first try.And I hope that I can try my best to let my blogger better :)  

A new year 2018 is coming , it mean a new hope and beginning for me.In this year , I hope that I can study hard and find out what I really interested in . 




The law of attraction

>>>The law of attraction Last time, my english teacher , Ms tina have shared about the law of attraction with us. Although i have heard about this theory before,but i have no understand it deeply. It is the first time that I knew about the detail of this law. The law of attraction   The belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts people can bring positive or negative experiences into their life. I think this theory is damn amazing and interesting. In my opinion, I agree with this statement. Sometimes when you keep thinking about something whatever positive or not,then you will meet something similiar to this. Wow,it is so coincidence, you will think. SO NOWWWW >>>  Keep thinking about something great and you may have some changes on yourself ! 😊😀 


        5/3/2018               I like my _________             This is a topic of weekly diary that our head teacher asked us to write last week. I like my smile.Eventhough we surely meet difficult problem and sad in our life,but the best thing to do to face all of this is smile to it. smile anytime          I heard before that smile is the best cosmetic in anyone.This statement is damn true for me,because no one is ugly when he/she smiles :) A smile make a person more beautiful and naive.             Let's started to smile now and everyday ,   let our smile warm people besides us ,  let you and me have a better moment while we SMILE                


VOLLEYBALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Our school have held the match of volleyball. One month ago, many students spent their time to practice. Full of joy echo at the campus. I love this feeling because it just like all of us work together to accomplish something.😇  After school, we can watch the match. Some of the match made audiences very tense  😂 Teammates paid their efforts to accomplish the match. The students who don't have participle the match also come to support their class. 💪   Sometimes, we no only want to win a match, but also the teamwork and friendship we can get through a match. 🙆